Kriya Yoga Blog

Inspiration and Insights on the Path of Self-realization

Latest Articles from Yogacharya

Explores how to live in divine love through prayer, spiritual practice, and presence, leading to higher love and harmonious relationships.

Embrace the art of letting go as a path to divine love and spiritual liberation.

Discover the pivotal role of the mind in accessing divine love as taught by yoga philosophy.

Satsang Talk Series

Articles, Videos, and Audio

Yogacharya O'Brian teaches the supreme science of Brahmavidya—the universal way of awakening to Self- and God-realization—the most essential, and relevant, teaching for spiritually conscious living today.


Illuminating Insights on Spiritual Teachings

Master the Art of Inner Transformation

Explore Depths, Touch the Infinite

Navigate Your Inner Journey

Cultivate Tranquility, Nurture Self-Awareness

Guidance, Trust, Enlightenment: A Sacred Bond

Ancient Wisdom, Timeless Insights

Verses That Inspire, Transcend, and Transform

Wisdom Shared, Insights Gained

Echoes of Wisdom

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© 2023 Ellen Grace O’Brian