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Kriya Yoga is an intentional, universal approach to Self-realization and spiritual enlightenment—complete awakening to full knowledge of the Infinite. It is an integrated spiritual path that brings together the most effective elements of all systems of yoga. The emphasis in this tradition is placed on healthy, purposeful, conscious living, and superconscious meditation practice.
Kriya Yoga practice facilitates the direct experience of our essential nature. This is accomplished when all obstacles are removed and the practitioner’s awareness is restored to wholeness. To realize the truth of our essential nature as spiritual beings and to live in harmony with that truth is the goal of Kriya Yoga.
The essential practices of Kriya Yoga are superconscious meditation; insightful study of scripture and of the nature of reality; self-discipline for conscious living; and surrender of the illusional sense of being separate from the Source of Life.
The divine nature of every person is honored. The purpose of spiritual practice is simply to remove any obstacle that obscures the expression and the full realization of that innate divinity. As all souls are inherently divine, everyone naturally yearns to awaken to his or her innate potential and to live a fully conscious, joyful life.
Kriya Yoga provides the way.
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© 2023 Ellen Grace O’Brian