Live the Eternal Way

The Art and Practice of Self-Realization

A Six-Module Online Video Course with

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

Are Your Ready to Live Fully, Live Well, and Awaken to Your Full Potential

“Decide. Decide you will fulfill your highest potential…

Every day is a chance to wake up. Every day is a chance to live the divine life.

To do it consciously, we must decide.”

— Yogacharya O’Brian

There is divine potential in the heart of every person that awaits our recognition and cooperation. Once we discover this innate potential, what was once a deep yearning becomes the dynamic cause that inspires us to live in the highest way. We can all know why we are here, how to fulfill our divine destiny and experience lasting happiness.

Engage in this six-week online course with Yogacharya O’Brian and learn how to meditate and live by spiritual principles. This course, based on the science of Self-realization of Kriya Yoga, will provide the method, practices, and philosophy that will facilitate the direct encounter with your divine Self that will transform your life.

A graphic of a blue lotus

Establish a spiritual foundation for healthy, happy, prosperous living

A graphic of a gold lotus

Realize your divine potential and fulfill your worthy dreams

A graphic of a green lotus

Discover the secret of true success and supportive relationships

Change your mind,

change your consciousness,

change your life!

“What you are is much greater than anything or anyone else you have ever yearned for. God is manifest in you in a way that God is not manifest in any other human being. Your face is unlike anyone else’s, your soul is unlike anyone else’s, you are sufficient unto yourself; for within your soul lies the greatest treasure of all—God.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda

'Live the Eternal Way' course guides you through an immersive six-week experience of spiritual living based on the teachings of Kriya Yoga.

Your Course Curriculum

Learn to meditate and to live by the spiritual principles that will enrich your life, support your ability to awaken to your innate divine potential and thrive in every area of your life. The time-tested skills for meditation and healthy living taught and practiced in this course will transform your body, your mind, and your life.


The Philosophy, Practice, and Promise of Kriya Yoga

Learn the time‐tested teachings and practices of Kriya Yoga that can purify the mind and body and eliminate obstacles to Self- and God-realization.


Superconscious Meditation for Awakened Living

Experience the Self that is beyond thought activity through the practice of Superconscious meditation.


Five Practices for Loving Relationships

Transform the ego into a transparent, luminous vehicle for the higher true Self and come into healthy relationship with others, and with our world.


Five Practices for Spiritual Awakening

Learn five practical tools for developing the essential skill of Self‐referral that can lead to a joyous fulfilled life.


Four Aims for a Fulfilled Life

Examine the four aims of life that help us to become both spiritually aware and worldly wise, and contribute to living with balance, integrity, and joy.


The Way of Discipleship

Explore the universal nature of discipleship that arises when the yearning for liberation becomes our predominant urge and we are ready to fully embrace the awakened life of Self‐realization.

Living the Eternal Way book front cover written by Ellen Grace O'Brian

Living the Eternal Way

Spiritual Meaning and Practice for Daily Life

Living the Eternal Way book by Yogacharya O’Brian is a foundational text for the course. Lessons and practices will delve deeper into the teachings found in this life-transforming book.

Meet Your Teacher

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian (Uma) is a western woman who teaches the riches of Indian philosophy in a fully accessible and inspiring way for newcomers and longtime practitioners alike. Ordained by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, she has been teachings for more than four decades.

She is a Kriya Yoga teacher, writer, poet, and the spiritual director of Center for Spiritual Enlightenment—a Kriya Yoga Meditation Center with headquarters in San Jose, California. She teaches nationally and internationally and has received several community service awards, including the Mahatma Gandhi Award for the Promotion of Religious Pluralism.

Along with her service as a meditation teacher and esteemed Yogacharya, Ellen Grace O’Brian is the Founder of Carry the Vision, a community nonviolence educational project bringing meditation instruction to staff and children in schools, the prison population, and other segments of society.

A photo of Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian in the garden wearing white scarf

A Truly Fulfilled Life in Harmony with the Infinite

Kriya yoga is a very practical path. It helps us to use our discernment and use our intellect to explore the nature of truth, the nature of the mind, and the nature of reality. It helps us to live a healthy life by learning how to take care of the body and mind, and find a way to a truly fulfilling life through spiritual realization.

What Your Receive with Your Enrollment

 A man is participating in an online class on his tablet.

Instructional Videos

Video instructions with Yogacharya O’Brian share teachings and philosophy of Kriya Yoga for awakened living. View and study at your convenience; this will guide you throughout the course and help establish a vibrant spiritual foundation for your life.

Guided Practice Video and Audio Recordings

Video practice sessions with Yogacharya for time-tested, universally applicable spiritual practices to awaken your heart, purify your mind, and enhance your wellbeing. View and practice throughout the course to deepen your experience of the teachings.

Two people practicing kriya yoga meditation on a wooden deck.
An Indian woman studying Kriya Yoga with a tablet and a cup of coffee as her online course study guide

Study Guides

Along with the course videos, you will receive PDF study guides to support you with practical information about how to apply spiritually-based principles for an awakened, fulfilled life.

Course Portal

An easy-to-use, exclusive, and purpose-built site where you will receive access to all of the Live the Eternal Way course materials.

A person using an iPad to browse a kriya yoga course portal on website.

Learning Community

Participate in an exclusive private forum with faculty and other Live the Eternal Way learners to support and enrich your journey.

Make a Difference

Your tuition for the course provides funding for free How to Meditate classes for others in need through the nonprofit organization, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment. Your enrollment will bless others in infinite ways.

Study Anytime, Anywhere

Engage comfortably at your own pace, on any device through your private dashboard. Or, download lessons as PDF docs for offline study. It's up to you.

What Students are Saying

Your Course Enrollment

$ 49


a photo of Live the Eternal Way only course material

Six Multi-Part Video Sessions

Guided Meditation and Practices

Exclusive Course Portal

Learning Community Private Forum

Lifetime Course Access

Study Anytime, Anywhere

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens next?

Simply click on the ‘Enroll Now’ button, and you will be taken to the checkout page to complete payment. If your payment has gone through, and you received a welcome email with instructions to access your course, then you are registered. Please check your spam folder to locate the email that says ‘Thank you for your order’ and ‘Welcome to Live the Eternal Way’. Easy!

How long do I have access to the course?

Your Live the Eternal Way enrollment gives you lifetime access to all course content. You will have easy access to an archive of all your content. In addition, the course materials are all downloadable — you can save lessons, practices, and study guides to your computer if you would like to. Once you access your course materials, they are yours to keep and use.

How can I get technical support?

We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course. For support, please email: Sometimes emails might end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder, so please do check there!

What is the source of teachings?

The philosophy and practices offered in this course are inspired by the Vedas, the most ancient scriptures known to humanity. You will find specific references to the Rig Veda; three systems of Indian philosophy that arose from the Vedas—Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta; as well as teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, and the Upanishads. The entire content of this course was exclusively created by Yogacharya O’Brian and specifically crafted for those ready to explore their path of purposeful living.

Do I need to be familiar with eastern philosophy to benefit from this course?

Not at all. Anyone interested in studying yoga philosophy, methods and practices can benefit from this course. While it is principally drawn from the wisdom of the East, it is universal in its approach and outlook.

What kind of support can I expect?

Live the Eternal Way course has been carefully designed to support you every step of the way. Each lesson provides detailed instructions and guidance to help you stay engaged and make steady progress. You will be notified by email when a new module becomes available. You also get access to the private Live the Eternal Way community, allowing you to post questions and comments, and get help and inspiration from the community and faculty. Everything is structured in a way to help you get the maximum benefit from the course!

Are there any prerequisites or requirements for this course?

No. The course is carefully designed for newcomers as well as experienced spiritual practitioners. It is self-paced and has no requirements other than your own engagement!

“'Seek and you will find... Knock and the door will open.' These familiar words of encouragement have been spoken through the ages in various ways by spiritually awake individuals. Those who have experienced the full potential of spiritual realization reveal to seekers of truth the accessibility and the nearness of enlightenment. 'The kingdom/queendom of heaven is within you... The Tao is hidden but always present.' Shining like precious gems hidden in a cave, the priceless treasure of spiritual wisdom awaits our discovery.”

— Yogacharya O’Brian, Living the Eternal Way book

Questions? Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact Us.

© 2023 Ellen Grace O’Brian