Explore the transformative power of superconscious meditation and discover how it reconnects us to our inherent wholeness, bringing lasting inner peace.
Table of Contents
Fulfillment Beyond Possessions
The Journey from Idea to Experience
The Inner Peace of Wholeness
The Power of Remembrance
The Essence of Superconscious Meditation
Wholeness in Meditation
Step into a transformative journey as we uncover the secrets of superconscious meditation, a pathway to inner peace and our inherent wholeness.
Through superconscious meditation, we are able to guide our attention and awareness to consciously rest in our essential, unbounded, spiritual nature—that which is full, whole, and complete. The experience we have of our essential nature is the experience of inner peace.
This inner peace is the peace of the soul, which is whole; it is sufficient unto itself. It is the individualized expression of the infinite, which is boundless. What does that mean in practical terms? The short answer is: fulfillment.
How much time in any given day do we spend thinking about what we want or need? Without spiritual realization, we can get caught up in ego’s error-driven ideas. The perspective of the ego says that in order to be fulfilled, we must have, or accomplish, some specific thing.
Spiritual realization says the opposite: first, experience and know your own wholeness, then freely participate in doing what you do and having what you will have. But know this: none of that defines you. You are already whole and complete.
The idea of being whole or fulfilled, just as we are, is compelling. A sigh of relief comes when we recognize we are already complete and we free ourselves from striving to be something or someone. Yet, the idea of fullness alone will not actually free us. Beyond grasping the concept, we must experience the inner peace of our wholeness. It’s like the difference between reading the menu and eating the meal. Reading about, thinking about, even knowing about items on the menu will not satisfy our hunger. Only the actual experience of eating the meal brings fullness. So it is with spiritual knowledge.
Information must be followed by realization through tangible experience. And not just an occasional experience but regular, repeated, experiences of superconsciousness. When we meditate, we expand our conscious awareness beyond the confines of thought activity and experience the Self as whole. In this thought-free state, we know our wholeness to be true because we experience it. The key to our fulfillment in life is to know we are already full, whole, and complete. Then, whatever we choose to do, have, or be is an expression of that innate fullness.
Recognizing and remembering our own wholeness is the great antidote to various afflictive emotions and states of mind such as, fear, anger, or jealousy, that arise from ignorance of our essential Self. If we identify with the personality or ego-self, we are more prone to think we need something to improve us or make us okay. With Self-realization, we still engage in helpful activities that improve our skills or our situation in life. We just don’t mistake what we have or do with what we are. We know that what we have or do does not change the soul. Nothing improves or changes that. It is already complete. It is whole and unchanging. Knowing this frees us from restless striving, trying to be other than what we are.
I once had a lovely conversation with a colleague about collaboration. We reflected on how true collaboration could be difficult if partners try to “get” something from one another. A sense of scarcity, a belief that you do not have enough yourself, undermines the potential for rich partnership. My friend said, “We are each already full, and from that fullness we can share with one another.” A breath of fresh air! Her statement about fullness highlighted the way we can truly partner with another in any relationship. Sometimes people refer to their intimate partner as their “better half.” The idea that another person can make us whole or bring us fulfillment is inaccurate. Imagining we are less than we are takes away from a relationship. Bringing our wholeness to a relationship enriches it.
To live your fullness, tune into it. As your foundation, experience your fullness every morning in meditation as you start your day. Then, throughout the day, use discernment to remember that you are already complete. If you catch yourself thinking you need someone else’s approval, or wanting something with the idea that you’ll be “improved,” —return to your divine Self. Say to yourself: I am full. I am whole. I am complete. Then decide what you want, need, or can contribute.
Superconscious meditation is the most effective tool we have for enhanced well-being and spiritual realization. “Superconscious” refers to a heightened level of awareness. In this term, “super” means superior to, above, or beyond ordinary fragmented states of consciousness, which confine, blur, or restrict awareness. We are naturally superconscious—knowing this is the key to success in meditation. Superconsciousness is the ground of our being, our essential nature. All other states of consciousness—the ordinary waking state, the dream state, and the deep sleep state—are superimpositions on this foundational essence. Once we know this, we understand that superconscious meditation is merely the natural revelation of our essential nature. It is not a spiritual condition that we create. It is simply the direct experience of our true Self, revealed when the mental field becomes quiet or clear.
Although many different techniques may be used to enter into meditation, the ultimate goal is always the same—conscious, direct experience of our essential nature. During superconscious meditation, our attention and awareness is intentionally directed toward, and ultimately flows unimpeded to, the unbounded, unchanging field of pure existence-being. When our awareness expands beyond the restrictive influences of thought, emotion, or mental modifications, we experience our spiritual nature. No longer confined or obscured by changes in the mental field, our awareness naturally abides in our essence, which is pure (unmodified), still (unchanging), and eternally conscious. Superconscious meditation is the pathway to realizing our immortal spiritual nature.
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, superconscious meditation is defined as “yoga” or “samadhi.” Both terms mean “oneness.” Samadhi means “to bring together completely.” When attention is no longer distracted and perception is not distorted by thought activity, our attention and awareness is “brought together completely” and consciously abides in the Self. Our consciousness is then restored to its original, innate, wholeness.
We experience our wholeness in meditation as inner peace and a felt sense of fullness or sufficiency. The soul’s peace pervades the mental field and we are free from restless drives to go, do, be, want, or have. We are whole. We are complete. We are consciously still. In that moment, we do not need or want anything; all is well. Sages throughout time have witnessed and proclaimed their experience of this wholeness, as did Julian of Norwich: “All will be well and all will be well and every kind of thing will be well.”
Next, explore the intricacies of meditation by understanding its four stages, drawing insights from Patanjali’s eight limbs guiding you towards higher consciousness. Learn more about four stages of meditation.
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